Saturday, October 5, 2019

Paid trade fee of my online store

I just now settled and paid my trade fee for my online store "Naheez" (registered in my first name) to MIRA (Maldives Inland Revenue Authority

I learnt and had taught myself that while running an online business one shouldn't worry and should be very patient...I learnt this from especially my old friends Mohamed Jubair (whom I call Zubair) and also Mohamed Shafeeq (whom I call Shafittey)...Zubair has many years of professional experience running small businesses while Shafittey has many years of academic and professional experience in training various people doing local businesses in Maldives.


Alhamdhu Lilaahi Rabil Aalameen...Praise be to Allah our lord...

Friday, October 4, 2019

Terminator: Dark Fate - Official Trailer (2019) - Paramount® Pictures (taken from YouTube™)

A science fiction film (one of my all time favorites) about a computer system called Skynet takes over the U.S. military and destroys half of the human population and then the war goes on to stop it...Time travel...Action...Science Fiction...All combined to a film which is expected to be released on 1 November This is to conclude today's celebration of my secure wi-fi and wired internet connection...But anytime these mad people may attempt again to hack my systems and network...I will wait and start over again if that happens....IT REALLY WILL NEVER END...I have to wait...TIME CAN ONLY TELL...I REALLY HATE THESE MAD PEOPLE...IT'S NOTHING BUT CYBER CRIME....

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Third quarter 2019 tax return filing

I a moment ago filed my tax return (a nil payment) to MIRA (Maldives Inland Revenue Authority

I received only about 2115 MVR a total from 1 July 2019 to 30 September 2019 from my own business named Naheez (in my first name) GST Number: 1099060GST501 which is Sole Proprietorship (Number: SP21602018) registered in my first name :Naheez.

The tax activity number is also 1.

It's a bit rainy today...Today is Wednesday 3 October 2019 and it's now 11:25 AM noon.


Alhamdhu Lilaahi Rabil Aalameen...Praise be to Allah our lord

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Completed signup at Oracle® Cloud

Yesterday early morning I have finally finished signing up at Oracle® Cloud so that I can finally have access to Oracle® Enterprise grade cloud technologies especially the powerful Oracle® Cloud SQL/No SQL and Autonomous Databases...

This completes my signing up at large U.S. cloud services companies and they are Google® (Google® Cloud Platform), Amazon® (Amazon® Web Services), IBM® (IBM®Cloud / SoftLayer™),Microsoft® Azure™, and finally Oracle® Cloud...

I have finally regained back my computer network which has been hacked for a few weeks...I had made the attacking computer connection go offline and removed that computer's connection to my own personal network...That computer is in the third floor of my home H.Neeloafaru Hiya...

They have even hacked my BML Internet Banking account and BML Mobile Banking app and also stolen the credentials of the other services which BML has provided for me free of charge...

Because of the abuse, I have blocked access to my personal blog and they who are abusing me have now to use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) in the devices to view my blog...


Alhamdhu Lilaahi Rabil Aalameen...Praise be to Allah our lord...

Today is Sunday 29 September 2019 and it's now 7:02 AM in the morning...The weather of Male' seems to be nice today...