Monday, December 6, 2021

Got first helmet

Today very early morning I got my first ever helmet and it was given to me by my close old friend Shafeeu...A few days ago I visited Hulhumale' wearing a helmet for the very first time and it was a motorcycle ride with Shafeeu...


Allah Akbar...Allah is great

(Location: Male'...Date: Monday 6 December 2021...Time: 5:32 PM...Part of the day: Early evening...Weather: Nice...Temperature: Cool)

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Microsoft® Visual Studio™ 2022

This will be the last time I will share this, the launch events of Microsoft® Visual Studio™ 2022...

I am now downloading and installing Microsoft® Visual Studio™ 2022 ( link: )...

Allah Akbar...Allah is great...


It is 3:19 AM of Tuesday 9 November 2021...

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

A person complains to me on a fraud case

Today I received a phone call and a person complains to me of a fraud case in my name...

A fake photo of Maldives Islamic Bank transaction slip was shown and he also sent me a PDF™ of a fake purchase order...I don't even have a Maldives Islamic Bank account...

The fraud email is and my home address is also written...

I censored the name and account number in these screenshots and photos...

There is nothing I can do about this...Complaining to Police will never work as all these cases I filed was not proven and not even investigated properly...

I demand this has to stop...

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Sunset seen from Usfasgandu

 I took these photos of the sun set in Usfasgandu this early evening...The scene was breathtaking...


Allah Akbar...Allah is great

(Location: Usfasgandu...Date: Sunday 25 October 2021...Time: 5:34 PM...Part of the day: Early evening...Weather: Sunny...Temperature: Cool)

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Microsoft® Build of OpenJDK™ 17

Yesterday was my 45th birthday (Wednesday 20 October 20201)...I had already celebrated it a little on my own...

I just now finished installing Microsoft® Build of OpenJDK™ which is Microsoft®s open source implementation of Java™...

I wrote a very basic sample program using Notepad™ while making several mistakes but later corrected all the errors and successfully compiled the Java™ code which hasn't change all these 17 years when I first learnt a bit of Java™ programming...


Allah Akbar...Allah is great...

(Location: Male'...Date: Thursday 21 October 2021...Time: 13:37 PM...Part of the day: Afternoon...Weather: Sunny...Temperature: Cool)