Showing posts with label Majeedhee Magu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Majeedhee Magu. Show all posts

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Majeedhee Magu road construction

I took these photos and selfies today in Majeedhaa Magu road construction works site...The reconstruction of Majeedhee Magu will soon come to an end and it's going to be finished...I took these photos when it was sun down to Male'... :) ... Allah Akbar...Allah is great...( Location : Majeedhee Magu...Date : Saturday 18 November 2017...Time : 6:03 PM...Part of the day : Dusk...Weather : Nice...Temperature : Cool )

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

On the streets of Male'

Today is Wednesday 21 December 2016 and it's now 12:39 PM noon...This morning and noon I went to HDFC and my close old friend Mohamed Shafeeq dispatched me to pay his phone bill and electricity bill...I took these photos in Sosun Magu, Majeedhee Magu Abadhafehi Magu, Medhuziyaarai Magu, Shaheed Abdullah Zuhari Higun, Ameer Ahmed Magu, and a small road which I dont' know the name going from Ameer Ahmed Magu to Boduthakurufaanu Magu, and lastly in Boduthakurufaanu Magu...Today is a beautiful hot sunny day and the weather is nice...Allah Akbar...Allah is great... :)