Friday, May 17, 2019

Attended Intel® Corporation Virtual Annual Stockholders' Meeting 2019

It's also very good that this happened in this holy month of Ramallan for me...

For the very first time in my life, I attended a virtual meeting of a foreign multinational company as a shareholder...

Tonight I attended for the first time, Intel® Corporation Virtual Annual Stockholders' Meeting for this year 2019...

My stockbroker DriveWealth LLC's vendor Say Communications LLC provided me with a control number (censored in these photos for my own safety) in a tight deadline (as I asked for the control number when it was very close to the meeting) and I attended the virtual meeting using this control number...

:) ... Allah Akbar...Allah is great...(Location: Male'...Date:Thursday 11 Ramallan 1440/16 May 2019...Time: 10:18 PM...Part of the day: Night...Weather: Nice...Temperature: Warm)