Showing posts with label Sun rise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sun rise. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Sunrise seen from Usfasgandu

I went to Usfasgandu a moment ago and took these photos of the risen sun and selfies...

Allah Akbar...Allah is great...

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Sun rise

Yesterday was Eid ul Fitr of Hijree year 1445 and so I send Eid greeting's to all Muslims around the world...

I took these photos on the east edge of Usfasgandu moments ago and the sun has risen...

Allah Akbar...Allah is great...

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Risen sun

I took these photos of the risen sun in Usfasgandu and near the Sina Male' bridge this early morning...Yesterday (Friday) it was raining the whole day and night and I stayed at home...

Allah Akbar...Allah is great...

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Sun rise to Male'

I slept after 4:00 PM yesterday and woke up around 12:30 AM last night and haven't slept again...I prayed my missed prayers in my room and took a shower when it was close to Fajr prayers...

These days I am haunted by the memories of the year 1999 when I worked and had left the job in my favorite company Dhiraagu...One of these days in June 1999 (as I remember) I was walking in early morning in the place which is now Usfasgandu...It was a break water then and Usfasgandu wasn't developed yet. That day, 21 years ago, a man was with his bicycle near the steps and trees of the water break wearing a yellow shirt...While I was walking near Dharubaaruge to my home, he came to me and asked for a cigarette and I gave him a cigarette...I never saw him again and never knew who it was...

Sometimes people on the streets asks me to give cigarettes and I give when I have the mood and plenty to give...

Usfasgandu and the bridge area was full of people exercising after the lockdown...I was sitting near the end of Usfasgandu east and on the small wall to the street high way...The scene was breathtaking...



Allah Akbar...Allah is great...

(Location: Usfasgandu...Date: Saturday 20 June 2020...Time: 5:32 AM...Part of the day: Sunrise hour...Weather: Nice and sunny...Temperature: Pleasant)