Showing posts with label Usfasgandu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Usfasgandu. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Sunrise seen from Usfasgandu

I went to Usfasgandu a moment ago and took these photos of the risen sun and selfies...

Allah Akbar...Allah is great...

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Sun rise

Yesterday was Eid ul Fitr of Hijree year 1445 and so I send Eid greeting's to all Muslims around the world...

I took these photos on the east edge of Usfasgandu moments ago and the sun has risen...

Allah Akbar...Allah is great...

Thursday, January 18, 2024


I took these photos of the sunset in Usafasgandu.

Allah Akbar...Allah is great

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Risen sun

I took these photos of the risen sun in Usfasgandu and near the Sina Male' bridge this early morning...Yesterday (Friday) it was raining the whole day and night and I stayed at home...

Allah Akbar...Allah is great...

Thursday, April 22, 2021

kites flown on Usfasgandu

Today after 5:00 PM I went to Usfasgandu and as usual on each Ramallan the children with their parents were flying kites on Usfasgandu...


Allah Akbar...Allah is great...

(Location : Usfasgandu...Date: 10 Ramallan 1442 Thursday / 22 April 2021...Time: 5:16 PM...Part of the day : Early evening...Weather : Sunny...Temperature : Cool)

Friday, March 12, 2021

Morning Twilight

Today I woke up at night 3:36 AM and waited at home having a coffee and a few biscuits...After Fajr (dawn) prayers I went to Usfasgandu and the east was slowly going orange...It's the morning twilight of this Friday...


Allah Akbar...Allah is great...

(Location : Usfasgandu...Date : Friday 12 March 2021...Time : 5:31 AM...Part of the day : Dawn...Weather : Rain Like...Temperature : Cool )

Thursday, January 7, 2021

New year sunrise

This is the first post I am making this new year 2021 and also the first time I went to Usfasgandu this new year 2021.

Last night I slept around 6 PM and woke up at 9 PM and had a coffee in Henveiru Cafe' near my home...After that I didn't sleep and hanged in my home and out side my home...

I prayed Fajr prayers in the prayer gathering in Furuqaan Mosque and came back home and waited...When it was close to 6:00 AM I went to Usfasgandu and took photos of the beautiful sunrise...An aeroplane was going to land in Veylaana International Airport and after that a speed boat or launch was going in the waters...


Allah Akbar...Allah is great...

(Location : Usfasgandu... Date : Thursday 7 January 2021... Time : 6:11 AM...Part of the day : Early morning/sunrise hour...Weather : Sunny... Temperature : Cool)