Thursday, November 26, 2020

Showing how my Microsoft® Account has been hacked

Since a longtime from 2003 on wards my online accounts get hacked both from inside my home (by my brother) and close friends...They steal my login credentials again and again...I have again just now secured my main Microsoft® Account after noticing attempts to sync my email from several unknown countries. It's very unlikely it's hacked from these countries but my mobile phone offline data gets hacked through an app which I had seen and it has a green user interface.

My online systems, network, wi-fi including my mobile 4G offline connections get hacked so often that I am having a very hard time to secure these systems of mine...

Here is a few screenshots of my Microsoft® Account attempts to sync and it was unsuccessful due to the security features I use...

Some of my friends don't believe when I talk about this because they are not security aware and conscious...

 May Allah have mercy on me and grant me paradise because I don't hack other peoples online activities...


Allah Akbar...Allah is great

(Location: Male'...Date: Thursday 26 November 2020...Time: 2:57 PM...Part of the day : Afternoon...Weather: Rain like...Temperature : Cool)


Monday, November 23, 2020

Early morning in Usfasgandu (Sunrise)

Today early morning I went to Usfasgandu and took these 3 photos (including a selfie) of the sunrise...

The scene was breath taking...



Allah Akbar...Allah is great

(Location: Usfasgandu...Date: Monday 23 November 2020...Time: 6:07 AM...Part of the day: Early morning/sunrise time...Weather: Nice...Temperature : Cool)


Sunday, November 22, 2020

Lonuziyaaraiy Park in the morning

I slept well last night from around 7 PM to 3:48 AM...Alhamdhu Lilaahi...All praise are to Allah...

I took these photos in Lonuziyaaraiy Park a moment ago...The sunshine was very bright and it was hot inside the park...But the streets of Male' are cool...


Allah Akbar...Allah is great...

 (Location: Lonusiyaaraiy Park...Date: Sunday 22 November 2020...Time: 9:00 AM...Part of the day: Late morning...Weather : Sunny...Temperature: Warm)



Friday, November 20, 2020


Last night I slept around sunset/dusk and woke up at around 1:20 AM and then waited at home...After praying the dawn prayers in Shaheed Ali Mosque in the prayer gathering I had a walk near Dharubaaruge and came back home and again waited till sunrise...

I just now came back from Usfasgandu after taking these photos of the sunrise (which is now risen up)...The scene was breath taking and there were many people exercsing and jogging on Boduthakurufaanu Magu and Usfasgandu too...



Allah Akbar...Allah is great

(Location: Usfasgandu...Date: Friday 20 November 2020...Time: 6:16 AM...Part of the day: Early morning/sunrise...Weather: Sunny...Temperature: Cool)

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Sunrise at Usfasgandu

The bad weather is gone and today till now it's sunny with bright sunshine...There is now no rain clouds and the sky is clear....

Yesterday I slept after 5 in the evening and woke up around 10:20 PM in the night and didn't sleep...I waited till dawn and prayed the Fajr prayers in the prayer gathering in Ibrahimi Mosque...

After coming home, again I waited till sunrise...Then I went to Usfasgandu and took these photos of sunrise on the pavement of the break water of Usfasgandu...A few photos were taken on the path way of Usfasgandu where motor cycles and people walk on to it...It's was so beautiful and breath taking...


Allah Akbar...Allah is great

(Location: Usfasgandu...Date: Thursday 19 November 2020...Time: 6:04 AM...Part of the day: Sunrise...Weather: Sunny...Temperature: Cool)