Showing posts with label Dhiraagu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dhiraagu. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Intel and Dhiraagu shares

In late 2017, I had to spend one full day and night without sleeping searching to buy shares of my favorite company Intel Corporation (Nasdaq ticker symbol INTC). 

Starting that Thursday morning in late 2017, I was searching the internet, and it was very stressful and late that night around 1:30 AM (which was now Friday) Google shifted the search to an app called JStock which was developed in Malaysia, and it provides investing in US securities through a Fintech (Financial Technology) company named DriveWealth.

I had to deposit 10 US$ and submit a photo of my passport and DriveWealth electronically submitted the W-7 form to IRS and my investing account was opened.

I kept depositing small amounts of cash using my Visa debit card in US$ and after a few days I bought my first ever share of a company. It was Intel Corporation.

A few years ago, DriveWealth stopped serving investing accounts opened in Maldives and I had to transfer my shares to another broker.

I searched the internet this time for a few hours and found a securities investing company named Interactive Brokers which turned to be one of the largest brokers of stocks in the United States. I transferred my shares to Interactive Brokers that nigh.

In 2003 I sold my 3 shares of MTCC which my father had bought for me when I was a child.

In early 2018 I for the very first time bought a share of my favorite local company Dhivehi Raajegey Gulhun PLC (MSD ticker symbol DHR).

My broker was Aariya Securities Pvt Ltd in Male', Maldives. Now Aariya Securities Pvt Ltd has closed their operations in Male'.

Now I own 1 share of Dhiraagu and 1 share of Intel.

Allah Akbar...Allah is great...

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Paid all of my Dhiraagu bills

I use all of my Dhiraagu services for personal enjoyment and derive some satisfaction after learning new things on my own using Dhiraagu provided broadband fixed line internet, mobile postpaid, web domain, telephone, and prepaid services....

All my telecommunication services are obtained and provided to me by Dhiraagu...Dhiraagu is a very good company and so is Bank of Maldives Plc (which provide my financial and banking services)...These two companies I can't live without each day...

I have finished paying all the Dhiraagu bills for last month November...Non of my services has ever been suspended by Dhiraagu for non payment of bills...I take it a very high priority to settle my bills...

I am sort of debit free, no loans to pay and so nothing to worry about too much...

Today is Wednesday 6 December 2023 and it's now 1:18 PM afternoon...

Alhamdhu Lilaahi...Praise be to Allah...Allah Akbar...Allah is great...

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Upgraded my Dhiraagu postpaid

Earlier tonight I using Dhiraagu My Account portal, applied to upgrade my mobile Dhiraagu postpaid package from Postpaid 150 to Postpaid 350...This is the package I used before mid 2021 which I downgraded because the Covid-19 recess finally had hit me and effected me...Now I am back to normal...

A while ago I received two SMS from Dhiraagu informing me that my package has been upgraded...

It's now 11:32 PM of Tuesday 5 December 2023...

Alhamdhu Lilaahi...Allah Akbar...

Monday, July 31, 2023

Developing my online shop

I think I can't post this in Facebook® because of Facebook®'s security systems might block this post, so I will write this blog entry in this main blog of mine.

Last year 2022, Google® finally stopped offering their free legacy Google® Workspace™ accounts for business use and I had to switch it back to only personal use. This includes my domains,, , , and . I removed my Dhiraagu registered domain from my Google® Workspace™ ( formerly called Google® G Suite™ and Google® Apps free ) and decided to use it for my online business.

My domain was registered in 26 July 2018 in Dhiraagu to celebrate the Independence Day of the Maldives on my own. It only costed 250 MVR registration and processing fee and 50 MVR per month for hosting fee. With GST (Goods and Service Tax) included it's now 54 MVR per month.

I needed web hosting for my business so I bought the cheapest web hosting package offered by Dhiraagu and more importantly I need a business email with domain . But when I tried to develop my business web site I encountered lots of severe errors and problems in Dhiraagu web hosting. Many years ago in 2012 I developed a website for a friend of mine and during that time Dhiraagu web hosting was very smooth and easy. I never encountered any problems during that time. 

I choose Linux® web hosting as I am more familiar with developing websites in the Linux® web hosting server environment/operating system.

So since September 2022 I attempted to develop a small online web site in Dhiraagu web hosting and finally gave up.

Therefore I searched the internet for a free and also ad free web hosting company and found which is a UK based company offering free web hosting without advertisements and with many free features including PrestaShop™ support which is the CMS (Content Management System) for the online shop I attempted to develop in Dhiraagu web hosting. I am still developing it but these days I am resting at home most of the time.

I use Cloudflare® for my DNS and CDN (Content Delivery Network) and the nameservers of my domain  is in Cloudflare®.

Now comes the most interesting part of this blog entry.

My domain is registered in Dhiraagu, served by Cloudflare®, with two websites hosted in different companies and email provided by another company. The subdomain website is hosted in in the United Kingdom, the main domain website is hosted in Google® Blogger™, the emails are hosted in which is an Indian company based in Chennai, India...I have used four different companies to power up my domain so that the security is high and when one get's down or hacked, the others will still be online with my control...T

To seperate the subdomain from I had to add two NS records in the DNS settings in Cloudflare and point it to nameservers and one addtional A record pointing that too to ...

The SSL/TLS certificate is provided by Google for free and for both the TLD (Top Level Domain) and subdomain and there might still be some errors when visting to these links...

Allah Akbar...Allah is great

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Open Visual Trace Route

Today I had lot's of free time and I am not sleeping and not doing anything until now...

So to pass the time till dawn prayer, I thought of searching a computer program which will tell me how my favorite company Dhiraagu is reached from my computer internet connection...I used an open source program written in Java™...It's called Open Visual Trace Route and I downloaded it from SourceForge® website...

The link is and I pinged ... It showed me that Dhiraagu's website is in an unkown location in the United States...

I also used my computer's command prompt to trace my connection to Dhiraagu and it gives me some IP addresses...

Happy Islamic New Year 1445 to all Muslims...

Allah Akbar...Allah is great...